Open call for ‘Balkans go circular’ website development
The Circular Economy Balkan Beacons project had started to establish centers (Beacons) that will trigger circular innovation and implementation in business and supply chain management. Beacons will launch novel circular economy systemic services primarily for small and medium size enterprises. The main goal is to create a unique eco-system that would support innovative thinking and circular economy implementation. Guiding through the process of the transformation to the new circular business model will enable them to become prepared for the new market requirements. The plan is to launch the collaboration ecosystem by targeting business, cities, innovation centers, innovators, and experts, focusing on the systemic and innovative development of circularity. Partners are: CirEkon (Serbia), Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (Romania), Cleantech Bulgaria, Athena Research and Innovation Center (Greece), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Wuppertal Institute of Climate, Environment and Energy (Germany), Regional Education and Information Centre for Sustainable Development in South-East Europe REIC (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. This year (December 15-16, 2022) the annual Conference Balkans Go Circular will be organized and a website is needed for promotion of this event.
The website is intended to communicate and provide important information to participants and audience from various European countries. The target groups are decision-makers from the business world, as well as representatives of relevant institutions for the implementation of the circular economy model. The idea is that the promotion of the event is accompanied by a website with a modern, effective, and responsive design (adapted for all devices and screens – mobile, tablet, PC). The chosen platform is WordPress.
The call and tasks description are described in this document: Website offer PDF
The offer in a single PDF document, in English or Serbian language is to be submitted via the email address: .
The deadline for submitting the offer is 15th of September, 16:59h CET.
Any question regarding this call should be directed to with the e-mail Subject: “Call for BGC- website”.